Rating: 4/5 stars
Pages: 320
Series: The Dragonslayer Trilogy
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Macmillan-Tor/Forge
Release Date: November 19, 2019
Three dragons wreak havoc throughout Mirabay--eating livestock, killing humans, and burning entire villages to ash. It was nearly impossible to kill one, using a legendary sword and the magic of the mysterious Cup; to tackle three, Guillot dal Villerauvais will need help.
The mage Solène fears having to kill again; she leaves Gill to gain greater control over her magic.
The Prince Bishop still wants Gill dead, but more than that, he wants the Cup, and he'll do whatever he has to to get it, even sending his own daughter--a talented thief and assassin--into the dragons' path.
As secrets mount on secrets and betrayals on betrayals, both Guillot and Solène face critical decisions that will settle not only their own fate but that of all Mirabaya.
(Summary as found on goodreads)
** Thanks to netgalley and Macmillan-Tor/Forge for providing me with an eARC of this book**
Since this is the second book in the series, and I also reviewed the first... check out that review here.
This book started out with much the same feeling as the first book—exactly what you’d expect, but thankfully, this book delivers the twist that was set up in the first book, and I’m thrilled for that. I also love how well the twist fits in the world-building and how it sets Gill up for an impossible choice. And it really nails the tension as the reader is left wondering what's going to happen when everything eventually comes to a head!
As for characters, I’m still kind of luke-warm on Gill and Solene. They’re fine characters, I just think that I’m not clicking with them. What I did appreciate was some of Gill’s two steps forward one step back character arc. There was a particular point where I realized I was a little more attached to Gill than I wanted to be, and I’m pretty sure I groaned out loud at the choice he made, like I wanted to shake him and go, “NO DUDE DON’T”.
I would say overall that I enjoyed this book a little more than the first, and it's clear that the series is heading in a new direction, which I appreciate. I also think it does a fantastic job of setting up the third book, and I'll be eagerly awaiting it!
I’d still keep the same recommendation for this series, if you’re a fan of high fantasy, and want to read about dragons and the guys who slay them, definitely check it out.
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